
The sqlc tool is configured via a sqlc.yaml or sqlc.json file. This file must be in the directory where the sqlc command is run.

Version 2

version: "2"
- schema: "postgresql/schema.sql"
  queries: "postgresql/query.sql"
  engine: "postgresql"
      package: "authors"
      out: "postgresql"
- schema: "mysql/schema.sql"
  queries: "mysql/query.sql"
  engine: "mysql"
      package: "authors"
      out: "mysql"


Each mapping in the sql collection has the following keys:

  • engine:

    • One of postgresql, mysql or sqlite.

  • schema:

    • Directory of SQL migrations or path to single SQL file; or a list of paths.

  • queries:

    • Directory of SQL queries or path to single SQL file; or a list of paths.

  • codegen:

    • A colleciton of mappings to configure code generators. See codegen for the supported keys.

  • gen:

    • A mapping to configure built-in code generators. See gen for the supported keys.

  • strict_function_checks

    • If true, return an error if a called SQL function does not exist. Defaults to false.


The codegen mapping supports the following keys:

  • out:

    • Output directory for generated code.

  • plugin:

    • The name of the plugin. Must be defined in the plugins collection.

  • options:

    • A mapping of plugin-specific options.

version: '2'
- name: py
    sha256: 428476c7408fd4c032da4ec74e8a7344f4fa75e0f98a5a3302f238283b9b95f2
- schema: "schema.sql"
  queries: "query.sql"
  engine: postgresql
  - out: src/authors
    plugin: py
      package: authors
      emit_sync_querier: true
      emit_async_querier: true
      query_parameter_limit: 5


The gen mapping supports the following keys:


  • package:

    • The package name to use for the generated code. Defaults to out basename.

  • out:

    • Output directory for generated code.

  • sql_package:

    • Either pgx/v4, pgx/v5 or database/sql. Defaults to database/sql.

  • emit_db_tags:

    • If true, add DB tags to generated structs. Defaults to false.

  • emit_prepared_queries:

    • If true, include support for prepared queries. Defaults to false.

  • emit_interface:

    • If true, output a Querier interface in the generated package. Defaults to false.

  • emit_exact_table_names:

    • If true, struct names will mirror table names. Otherwise, sqlc attempts to singularize plural table names. Defaults to false.

  • emit_empty_slices:

    • If true, slices returned by :many queries will be empty instead of nil. Defaults to false.

  • emit_exported_queries:

    • If true, autogenerated SQL statement can be exported to be accessed by another package.

  • emit_json_tags:

    • If true, add JSON tags to generated structs. Defaults to false.

  • emit_result_struct_pointers:

    • If true, query results are returned as pointers to structs. Queries returning multiple results are returned as slices of pointers. Defaults to false.

  • emit_params_struct_pointers:

    • If true, parameters are passed as pointers to structs. Defaults to false.

  • emit_methods_with_db_argument:

    • If true, generated methods will accept a DBTX argument instead of storing a DBTX on the *Queries struct. Defaults to false.

  • emit_enum_valid_method:

    • If true, generate a Valid method on enum types, indicating whether a string is a valid enum value.

  • emit_all_enum_values:

    • If true, emit a function per enum type that returns all valid enum values.

  • json_tags_case_style:

    • camel for camelCase, pascal for PascalCase, snake for snake_case or none to use the column name in the DB. Defaults to none.

  • output_batch_file_name:

    • Customize the name of the batch file. Defaults to batch.go.

  • output_db_file_name:

    • Customize the name of the db file. Defaults to db.go.

  • output_models_file_name:

    • Customize the name of the models file. Defaults to models.go.

  • output_querier_file_name:

    • Customize the name of the querier file. Defaults to querier.go.

  • output_files_suffix:

    • If specified the suffix will be added to the name of the generated files.

  • query_parameter_limit:

    • Positional arguments that will be generated in Go functions (>= 1 or -1). To always emit a parameter struct, you would need to set it to -1. 0 is invalid. Defaults to 1. rename:

    • Customize the name of generated struct fields. Explained in detail on the Renaming fields section.

  • overrides:

    • It is a collection of definitions that dictates which types are used to map a database types. Explained in detail on the Type overriding section.

Renaming fields

Struct field names are generated from column names using a simple algorithm: split the column name on underscores and capitalize the first letter of each part.

account     -> Account
spotify_url -> SpotifyUrl
app_id      -> AppID

If you’re not happy with a field’s generated name, use the rename mapping to pick a new name. The keys are column names and the values are the struct field name to use.

version: "2"
- schema: "postgresql/schema.sql"
  queries: "postgresql/query.sql"
  engine: "postgresql"
      package: "authors"
      out: "postgresql"
        spotify_url: "SpotifyURL"
Type overriding

The default mapping of PostgreSQL/MySQL types to Go types only uses packages outside the standard library when it must.

For example, the uuid PostgreSQL type is mapped to If a different Go package for UUIDs is required, specify the package in the overrides array. In this case, I’m going to use the instead.

version: "2"
- schema: "postgresql/schema.sql"
  queries: "postgresql/query.sql"
  engine: "postgresql"
      package: "authors"
      out: "postgresql"
        - db_type: "uuid"
          go_type: ""

Each mapping of the overrides collection has the following keys:

  • db_type:

    • The PostgreSQL or MySQL type to override. Find the full list of supported types in postgresql_type.go or mysql_type.go. Note that for Postgres you must use the pg_catalog prefixed names where available. Can’t be used if the column key is defined.

  • column

    • In case the type overriding should be done on specific a column of a table instead of a type. column should be of the form table.column but you can be even more specific by specifying schema.table.column or catalog.schema.table.column. Can’t be used if the db_type key is defined.

  • go_type:

    • A fully qualified name to a Go type to use in the generated code.

  • go_struct_tag:

    • A reflect-style struct tag to use in the generated code, e.g. a:"b" x:"y,z". If you want general json/db tags for all fields, use emit_db_tags and/or emit_json_tags instead.

  • nullable:

    • If true, use this type when a column is nullable. Defaults to false.

For more complicated import paths, the go_type can also be an object.

version: "2"
- schema: "postgresql/schema.sql"
  queries: "postgresql/query.sql"
  engine: "postgresql"
      package: "authors"
      out: "postgresql"
        - db_type: "uuid"
            import: "a/b/v2"
            package: "b"
            type: "MyType"
            pointer: true

When generating code, entries using the column key will always have preference over entries using the db_type key in order to generate the struct.


  • package:

    • The package name to use for the generated code.

  • out:

    • Output directory for generated code.

  • emit_exact_table_names:

    • If true, use the exact table name for generated models. Otherwise, guess a singular form. Defaults to false.


  • package:

    • The package name to use for the generated code.

  • out:

    • Output directory for generated code.

  • emit_exact_table_names:

    • If true, use the exact table name for generated models. Otherwise, guess a singular form. Defaults to false.

  • emit_sync_querier:

    • If true, generate a class with synchronous methods. Defaults to false.

  • emit_async_querier:

    • If true, generate a class with asynchronous methods. Defaults to false.

  • emit_pydantic_models:

    • If true, generate classes that inherit from pydantic.BaseModel. Otherwise, define classes using the dataclass decorator. Defaults to false.


  • out:

    • Output directory for the generated JSON.

  • filename:

    • Filename for the generated JSON document. Defaults to codegen_request.json.

  • indent:

    • Indent string to use in the JSON document. Defaults to   .


Each mapping in the plugins collection has the following keys:

  • name:

    • The name of this plugin. Required

  • process: A mapping with a single cmd key

    • cmd:

      • The executable to call when using this plugin

  • wasm: A mapping with a two keys url and sha256

    • url:

      • The URL to fetch the WASM file. Supports the https:// or file:// schemes.

    • sha256

      • The SHA256 checksum for the downloaded file.

version: 2
- name: "py"
    url: ""
    sha256: "428476c7408fd4c032da4ec74e8a7344f4fa75e0f98a5a3302f238283b9b95f2"
- name: "js"
    cmd: "sqlc-gen-json"

global overrides

Sometimes, the same configuration must be done across various specfications of code generation. Then a global definition for type overriding and field renaming can be done using the overrides mapping the following manner:

version: "2"
      id: "Identifier"
      - db_type: "timestamptz"
        nullable: true
        engine: "postgresql"
          import: ""
          package: "null"
          type: "Time"
- schema: "postgresql/schema.sql"
  queries: "postgresql/query.sql"
  engine: "postgresql"
      package: "authors"
      out: "postgresql"
- schema: "mysql/schema.sql"
  queries: "mysql/query.sql"
  engine: "mysql"
      package: "authors"
      out: "mysql

With the previous configuration, whenever a struct field is generated from a table column that is called id, it will generated as Identifier. Also, whenever there is a nullable timestamp with time zone column in a Postgres table, it will be generated as null.Time. Note that, the mapping for global type overrides has a field called engine that is absent in the regular type overrides. This field is only used when there are multiple definitions using multiple engines. Otherwise, the value of the engine key will be defaulted to the engine that is currently being used.

Currently, type overrides and field renaming, both global and regular, are only fully supported in Go.

Version 1

version: "1"
  - name: "db"
    path: "internal/db"
    queries: "./sql/query/"
    schema: "./sql/schema/"
    engine: "postgresql"
    emit_prepared_queries: true
    emit_interface: false
    emit_exact_table_names: false
    emit_empty_slices: false
    emit_exported_queries: false
    emit_json_tags: true
    emit_result_struct_pointers: false
    emit_params_struct_pointers: false
    emit_methods_with_db_argument: false
    emit_pointers_for_null_types: false
    emit_enum_valid_method: false
    emit_all_enum_values: false
    json_tags_case_style: "camel"
    output_batch_file_name: "batch.go"
    output_db_file_name: "db.go"
    output_models_file_name: "models.go"
    output_querier_file_name: "querier.go"


Each mapping in the packages collection has the following keys:

  • name:

    • The package name to use for the generated code. Defaults to path basename.

  • path:

    • Output directory for generated code.

  • queries:

    • Directory of SQL queries or path to single SQL file; or a list of paths.

  • schema:

    • Directory of SQL migrations or path to single SQL file; or a list of paths.

  • engine:

    • Either postgresql or mysql. Defaults to postgresql.

  • sql_package:

    • Either pgx/v4, pgx/v5 or database/sql. Defaults to database/sql.

  • emit_db_tags:

    • If true, add DB tags to generated structs. Defaults to false.

  • emit_prepared_queries:

    • If true, include support for prepared queries. Defaults to false.

  • emit_interface:

    • If true, output a Querier interface in the generated package. Defaults to false.

  • emit_exact_table_names:

    • If true, struct names will mirror table names. Otherwise, sqlc attempts to singularize plural table names. Defaults to false.

  • emit_empty_slices:

    • If true, slices returned by :many queries will be empty instead of nil. Defaults to false.

  • emit_exported_queries:

    • If true, autogenerated SQL statement can be exported to be accessed by another package.

  • emit_json_tags:

    • If true, add JSON tags to generated structs. Defaults to false.

  • emit_result_struct_pointers:

    • If true, query results are returned as pointers to structs. Queries returning multiple results are returned as slices of pointers. Defaults to false.

  • emit_params_struct_pointers:

    • If true, parameters are passed as pointers to structs. Defaults to false.

  • emit_methods_with_db_argument:

    • If true, generated methods will accept a DBTX argument instead of storing a DBTX on the *Queries struct. Defaults to false.

  • emit_pointers_for_null_types:

    • If true and sql_package is set to pgx/v4, generated types for nullable columns are emitted as pointers (ie. *string) instead of database/sql null types (ie. NullString). Defaults to false.

  • emit_enum_valid_method:

    • If true, generate a Valid method on enum types, indicating whether a string is a valid enum value.

  • emit_all_enum_values:

    • If true, emit a function per enum type that returns all valid enum values.

  • json_tags_case_style:

    • camel for camelCase, pascal for PascalCase, snake for snake_case or none to use the column name in the DB. Defaults to none.

  • output_batch_file_name:

    • Customize the name of the batch file. Defaults to batch.go.

  • output_db_file_name:

    • Customize the name of the db file. Defaults to db.go.

  • output_models_file_name:

    • Customize the name of the models file. Defaults to models.go.

  • output_querier_file_name:

    • Customize the name of the querier file. Defaults to querier.go.

  • output_files_suffix:

    • If specified the suffix will be added to the name of the generated files.

  • query_parameter_limit:

    • Positional arguments that will be generated in Go functions (>= 0). To always emit a parameter struct, you would need to set it to 0. Defaults to 1.


The default mapping of PostgreSQL/MySQL types to Go types only uses packages outside the standard library when it must.

For example, the uuid PostgreSQL type is mapped to If a different Go package for UUIDs is required, specify the package in the overrides array. In this case, I’m going to use the instead.

version: "1"
packages: [...]
  - go_type: ""
    db_type: "uuid"

Each override document has the following keys:

  • db_type:

    • The PostgreSQL or MySQL type to override. Find the full list of supported types in postgresql_type.go or mysql_type.go. Note that for Postgres you must use the pg_catalog prefixed names where available.

  • go_type:

    • A fully qualified name to a Go type to use in the generated code.

  • go_struct_tag:

    • A reflect-style struct tag to use in the generated code, e.g. a:"b" x:"y,z". If you want general json/db tags for all fields, use emit_db_tags and/or emit_json_tags instead.

  • nullable:

    • If true, use this type when a column is nullable. Defaults to false.

For more complicated import paths, the go_type can also be an object.

version: "1"
packages: [...]
  - db_type: "uuid"
      import: "a/b/v2"
      package: "b"
      type: "MyType"

Per-Column Type Overrides

Sometimes you would like to override the Go type used in model or query generation for a specific field of a table and not on a type basis as described in the previous section.

This may be configured by specifying the column property in the override definition. column should be of the form table.column but you can be even more specific by specifying schema.table.column or catalog.schema.table.column.

version: "1"
packages: [...]
  - column: ""
    go_type: ""

Package Level Overrides

Overrides can be configured globally, as demonstrated in the previous sections, or they can be configured on a per-package which scopes the override behavior to just a single package:

version: "1"
  - overrides: [...]


Struct field names are generated from column names using a simple algorithm: split the column name on underscores and capitalize the first letter of each part.

account     -> Account
spotify_url -> SpotifyUrl
app_id      -> AppID

If you’re not happy with a field’s generated name, use the rename mapping to pick a new name. The keys are column names and the values are the struct field name to use.

version: "1"
packages: [...]
  spotify_url: "SpotifyURL"