Configuration file (version 1)

The sqlc tool is configured via a sqlc.yaml or sqlc.json file. This file must be in the directory where the sqlc command is run.

version: "1"
  - name: "db"
    path: "internal/db"
    queries: "./sql/query/"
    schema: "./sql/schema/"
    engine: "postgresql"
    emit_prepared_queries: true
    emit_interface: false
    emit_exact_table_names: false
    emit_empty_slices: false
    emit_exported_queries: false
    emit_json_tags: true
    emit_result_struct_pointers: false
    emit_params_struct_pointers: false
    emit_methods_with_db_argument: false
    json_tags_case_style: "camel"
    output_db_file_name: "db.go"
    output_models_file_name: "models.go"
    output_querier_file_name: "querier.go"

Each package document has the following keys:

  • name:

    • The package name to use for the generated code. Defaults to path basename

  • path:

    • Output directory for generated code

  • queries:

    • Directory of SQL queries or path to single SQL file; or a list of paths

  • schema:

    • Directory of SQL migrations or path to single SQL file; or a list of paths

  • engine:

    • Either postgresql or mysql. Defaults to postgresql.

  • sql_package:

    • Either pgx/v4 or database/sql. Defaults to database/sql.

  • emit_db_tags:

    • If true, add DB tags to generated structs. Defaults to false.

  • emit_prepared_queries:

    • If true, include support for prepared queries. Defaults to false.

  • emit_interface:

    • If true, output a Querier interface in the generated package. Defaults to false.

  • emit_exact_table_names:

    • If true, struct names will mirror table names. Otherwise, sqlc attempts to singularize plural table names. Defaults to false.

  • emit_empty_slices:

    • If true, slices returned by :many queries will be empty instead of nil. Defaults to false.

  • emit_exported_queries:

    • If true, autogenerated SQL statement can be exported to be accessed by another package.

  • emit_json_tags:

    • If true, add JSON tags to generated structs. Defaults to false.

  • emit_result_struct_pointers:

    • If true, query results are returned as pointers to structs. Queries returning multiple results are returned as slices of pointers. Defaults to false.

  • emit_params_struct_pointers:

    • If true, parameters are passed as pointers to structs. Defaults to false.

  • emit_methods_with_db_argument:

    • If true, generated methods will accept a DBTX argument instead of storing a DBTX on the *Queries struct. Defaults to false.

  • json_tags_case_style:

    • camel for camelCase, pascal for PascalCase, snake for snake_case or none to use the column name in the DB. Defaults to none.

  • output_db_file_name:

    • Customize the name of the db file. Defaults to db.go.

  • output_models_file_name:

    • Customize the name of the models file. Defaults to models.go.

  • output_querier_file_name:

    • Customize the name of the querier file. Defaults to querier.go.

  • output_files_suffix:

    • If specified the suffix will be added to the name of the generated files.

Type Overrides

The default mapping of PostgreSQL/MySQL types to Go types only uses packages outside the standard library when it must.

For example, the uuid PostgreSQL type is mapped to If a different Go package for UUIDs is required, specify the package in the overrides array. In this case, I’m going to use the instead.

version: "1"
packages: [...]
  - go_type: ""
    db_type: "uuid"

Each override document has the following keys:

  • db_type:

  • go_type:

    • A fully qualified name to a Go type to use in the generated code.

  • nullable:

    • If true, use this type when a column is nullable. Defaults to false.

Per-Column Type Overrides

Sometimes you would like to override the Go type used in model or query generation for a specific field of a table and not on a type basis as described in the previous section.

This may be configured by specifying the column property in the override definition. column should be of the form table.column but you can be even more specific by specifying schema.table.column or catalog.schema.table.column.

version: "1"
packages: [...]
  - column: ""
    go_type: ""

Package Level Overrides

Overrides can be configured globally, as demonstrated in the previous sections, or they can be configured on a per-package which scopes the override behavior to just a single package:

version: "1"
  - overrides: [...]

Renaming Struct Fields

Struct field names are generated from column names using a simple algorithm: split the column name on underscores and capitalize the first letter of each part.

account     -> Account
spotify_url -> SpotifyUrl
app_id      -> AppID

If you’re not happy with a field’s generated name, use the rename dictionary to pick a new name. The keys are column names and the values are the struct field name to use.

version: "1"
packages: [...]
  spotify_url: "SpotifyURL"