Getting started with PostgreSQL
This tutorial assumes that the latest version of sqlc is installed and ready to use.
We’ll generate Go code here, but other language plugins are available. You’ll naturally need the Go toolchain if you want to build and run a program with the code sqlc generates, but sqlc itself has no dependencies.
At the end, you’ll push your SQL queries to sqlc Cloud for further insights and analysis.
Setting up
Create a new directory called sqlc-tutorial
and open it up.
Initialize a new Go module named
go mod init
sqlc looks for either a sqlc.(yaml|yml)
or sqlc.json
file in the current
directory. In our new directory, create a file named sqlc.yaml
with the
following contents:
version: "2"
- engine: "postgresql"
queries: "query.sql"
schema: "schema.sql"
package: "tutorial"
out: "tutorial"
sql_package: "pgx/v5"
Schema and queries
sqlc needs to know your database schema and queries in order to generate code.
In the same directory, create a file named schema.sql
with the following
CREATE TABLE authors (
name text NOT NULL,
bio text
Next, create a query.sql
file with the following five queries:
-- name: GetAuthor :one
SELECT * FROM authors
WHERE id = $1 LIMIT 1;
-- name: ListAuthors :many
SELECT * FROM authors
ORDER BY name;
-- name: CreateAuthor :one
INSERT INTO authors (
name, bio
$1, $2
-- name: UpdateAuthor :exec
UPDATE authors
set name = $2,
bio = $3
WHERE id = $1;
-- name: DeleteAuthor :exec
WHERE id = $1;
If you prefer, you can alter the UpdateAuthor
query to return the updated
-- name: UpdateAuthor :one
UPDATE authors
set name = $2,
bio = $3
WHERE id = $1
Generating code
You are now ready to generate code. You shouldn’t see any output when you run
the generate
subcommand, unless something goes wrong:
sqlc generate
You should now have a tutorial
subdirectory with three files containing Go
source code. These files comprise a Go package named tutorial
├── go.mod
├── query.sql
├── schema.sql
├── sqlc.yaml
└── tutorial
├── db.go
├── models.go
└── query.sql.go
Using generated code
You can use your newly-generated tutorial
package from any Go program.
Create a file named tutorial.go
and add the following contents:
package main
import (
func run() error {
ctx := context.Background()
conn, err := pgx.Connect(ctx, "user=pqgotest dbname=pqgotest sslmode=verify-full")
if err != nil {
return err
defer conn.Close(ctx)
queries := tutorial.New(conn)
// list all authors
authors, err := queries.ListAuthors(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
// create an author
insertedAuthor, err := queries.CreateAuthor(ctx, tutorial.CreateAuthorParams{
Name: "Brian Kernighan",
Bio: pgtype.Text{String: "Co-author of The C Programming Language and The Go Programming Language", Valid: true},
if err != nil {
return err
// get the author we just inserted
fetchedAuthor, err := queries.GetAuthor(ctx, insertedAuthor.ID)
if err != nil {
return err
// prints true
log.Println(reflect.DeepEqual(insertedAuthor, fetchedAuthor))
return nil
func main() {
if err := run(); err != nil {
Before this code will compile you’ll need to fetch the relevant PostgreSQL
driver. You can use lib/pq
with the standard library’s database/sql
package, but in this tutorial we’ve used pgx/v5
go get
go build ./...
The program should compile without errors. To make that possible, sqlc generates
readable, idiomatic Go code that you otherwise would’ve had to write
yourself. Take a look in tutorial/query.sql.go
Of course for this program to run successfully you’ll need
to compile after replacing the database connection parameters in the call to
with the correct parameters for your database. And your
database must have the authors
table as defined in schema.sql
You should now have a working program using sqlc’s generated Go source code, and hopefully can see how you’d use sqlc in your own real-world applications.
Query verification
sqlc Cloud provides additional verification, catching subtle bugs. To get started, create a
dashboard account. Once you’ve signed in, create a
project and generate an auth token. Add your project’s ID to the cloud
to your sqlc.yaml.
version: "2"
# Replace <PROJECT_ID> with your project ID from the sqlc Cloud dashboard
project: "<PROJECT_ID>"
- engine: "postgresql"
queries: "query.sql"
schema: "schema.sql"
package: "tutorial"
out: "tutorial"
sql_package: "pgx/v5"
Replace <PROJECT_ID>
with your project ID from the sqlc Cloud dashboard. It
will look something like 01HA8SZH31HKYE9RR3N3N3TSJM
And finally, set the SQLC_AUTH_TOKEN
environment variable:
export SQLC_AUTH_TOKEN="<your sqlc auth token>"
$ sqlc push --tag tutorial
In the sidebar, go to the “Queries” section to see your published queries. Run
to ensure that previously published queries continue to work against
updated database schema.
$ sqlc verify --against tutorial