Query annotations

sqlc requires each query to have a small comment indicating the name and command. The format of this comment is as follows:

-- name: <name> <command>


The generated method will return the error from ExecContext.

-- name: DeleteAuthor :exec
WHERE id = $1;
func (q *Queries) DeleteAuthor(ctx context.Context, id int64) error {
	_, err := q.db.ExecContext(ctx, deleteAuthor, id)
	return err


The generated method will return the sql.Result returned by ExecContext.

-- name: DeleteAllAuthors :execresult
DELETE FROM authors;
func (q *Queries) DeleteAllAuthors(ctx context.Context) (sql.Result, error) {
	return q.db.ExecContext(ctx, deleteAllAuthors)


The generated method will return the number of affected rows from the result returned by ExecContext.

-- name: DeleteAllAuthors :execrows
DELETE FROM authors;
func (q *Queries) DeleteAllAuthors(ctx context.Context) (int64, error) {
	_, err := q.db.ExecContext(ctx, deleteAllAuthors)
	// ...


The generated method will return the number generated by the database from the result returned by ExecContext.

-- name: InsertAuthor :execlastid
INSERT INTO authors (name) VALUES (?);
func (q *Queries) InsertAuthor(ctx context.Context, name string) (int64, error) {
	_, err := q.db.ExecContext(ctx, insertAuthor, name)
	// ...


The generated method will return a slice of records via QueryContext.

-- name: ListAuthors :many
SELECT * FROM authors
ORDER BY name;
func (q *Queries) ListAuthors(ctx context.Context) ([]Author, error) {
	rows, err := q.db.QueryContext(ctx, listAuthors)
	// ...


The generated method will return a single record via QueryRowContext.

-- name: GetAuthor :one
SELECT * FROM authors
WHERE id = $1 LIMIT 1;
func (q *Queries) GetAuthor(ctx context.Context, id int64) (Author, error) {
	row := q.db.QueryRowContext(ctx, getAuthor, id)
	// ...


NOTE: This command only works with PostgreSQL using the pgx/v4 and pgx/v5 drivers and outputting Go code.

The generated method will return a batch object. The batch object will have the following methods:

  • Exec, that takes a func(int, error) parameter,

  • Close, to close the batch operation early.

-- name: DeleteBook :batchexec
WHERE book_id = $1;
type DeleteBookBatchResults struct {
	br  pgx.BatchResults
	ind int

func (q *Queries) DeleteBook(ctx context.Context, bookID []int32) *DeleteBookBatchResults {
func (b *DeleteBookBatchResults) Exec(f func(int, error)) {
func (b *DeleteBookBatchResults) Close() error {


NOTE: This command only works with PostgreSQL using the pgx/v4 and pgx/v5 drivers and outputting Go code.

The generated method will return a batch object. The batch object will have the following methods:

  • Query, that takes a func(int, []T, error) parameter, where T is your query’s return type

  • Close, to close the batch operation early.

-- name: BooksByTitleYear :batchmany
WHERE title = $1 AND year = $2;
type BooksByTitleYearBatchResults struct {
	br  pgx.BatchResults
	ind int
type BooksByTitleYearParams struct {
	Title string `json:"title"`
	Year  int32  `json:"year"`

func (q *Queries) BooksByTitleYear(ctx context.Context, arg []BooksByTitleYearParams) *BooksByTitleYearBatchResults {
func (b *BooksByTitleYearBatchResults) Query(f func(int, []Book, error)) {
func (b *BooksByTitleYearBatchResults) Close() error {


NOTE: This command only works with PostgreSQL using the pgx/v4 and pgx/v5 drivers and outputting Go code.

The generated method will return a batch object. The batch object will have the following methods:

  • QueryRow, that takes a func(int, T, error) parameter, where T is your query’s return type

  • Close, to close the batch operation early.

-- name: CreateBook :batchone
RETURNING book_id, author_id, isbn
type CreateBookBatchResults struct {
	br  pgx.BatchResults
	ind int
type CreateBookParams struct {
	AuthorID int32  `json:"author_id"`
	Isbn     string `json:"isbn"`

func (q *Queries) CreateBook(ctx context.Context, arg []CreateBookParams) *CreateBookBatchResults {
func (b *CreateBookBatchResults) QueryRow(f func(int, Book, error)) {
func (b *CreateBookBatchResults) Close() error {


__NOTE: This command is driver and package specific, see how to insert

This command is used to insert rows a lot faster than sequential inserts.